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Friday, May 22, 2009

Paradise Betrayed..

when those blessed eyes reflect shadows of pain
turn away! It's a trick to arouse emotions
The ground below their feet crumbles, the two cant turn back
dont let go of the hands that reached to you..

those simple days, vanishing one by one
i wont allow those memories to be tainted
this is paradise betrayed
searching for the light in the far reaches of my wayward heart
let these prayers reach you..

these imprisoned wings long for open the skies
i want to believe wea arent alone

we undertsand each other within our bonds,
we seek for each other..

i will not let us separate..
we will not get separated
destiny begins..

(will you kill someone you loved, because of love?)


the Darkside of Me! Breaking Appart!!


Edited by : Akira Wisnu